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抛锚!升起帆! 是时候开始有史以来最激动人心的冒险了,这是人类历史上第一次环球航行了!在同一个地方结束的旅行,它开始了,但在那之后,一切都将不再一样。这是一个勇敢的航海者的故事,他们执掌了历史,永远改变了历史的方向。正如许多人所知,麦哲伦开始了一段旅程,但我们故事的真正主人公胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·埃尔卡诺却结束了这段旅程。 是什么促使这些水手进行如此危险的航行?他们渴望到达马鲁古群岛,一个印度尼西亚群岛和充满香料和芳香植物的遥远天堂。但是,如果唯一已知的路线是葡萄牙王国的唯一特权,他们将如何到达那里?好吧,答案很简单;从另一个方向航行!然而,等待这些勇敢的人所面临的挑战要大得多:风暴、饥饿、敌对部落以及各种令人难以置信的考验和磨难都会阻碍我们勇敢的旅行者的进步。 1519年,五艘船从塞维利亚启航。三年后,他们中只有一个成功地返回,带来了他们的冒险全圈,最终证明了地球是圆的。
在马其顿,战争中的波斯尼亚,东正教的一位年轻修士以沉默保护一位年轻女孩,这位阿尔巴尼亚女孩涉嫌杀害一位东正教徒。但其实只是误会。修士以自己的善良决定与女孩私奔。 在伦敦,一位摄影记者(凯特琳·卡特利吉 Katrin Cartlidge 饰)在餐馆与她的丈夫谈论感情变淡的问题,二人争吵激烈之时,一名种族主义者冲入餐馆开枪扫射。爱,在生死之间突然变得清晰。 一位离开好友的摄影记者(拉德·舍博德兹加 Rade Serbedzija 饰)从伦敦出发,回到16年没来的老家马其顿。这里有他的老朋友,他的东正教朋友们,还有与阿尔巴尼亚人的种族矛盾。摄影记者尝试通过和解的方式化解纷争,但是,这一切远没有他想象的那么简单。 “圆圈不是一个圆。”三段相互交错的故事,不同文化、宗教、民族的误会造成的悲剧。
Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's strange behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called prodigious beings in the occult tradition. David soon discovers that their goal is to channel the moon's energy into a child yet to be born, robbing him of his rightful place as the Son of the Moon. Two women, Victoria, a member of the center, and Georgina, the future mother of the supposed moonchild, will help David fulfill his destiny. After several attempts David manages to escape the center and undergoes a series of new experiences love, adventure, supernatural events and even death. David is relentlessly pursued, pushing him further towards his goal, towards Africa where his fate awaits him.
李钟刚LEE Jung-gon
Gwangho, a prospect on his high school baseball team, is not drafted by a professional baseball team. His desire to continue playing baseball strains his relationship with his team members. Gwangho eventually begins selling fake gasoline with his friend Mincheol.
Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no job, family, or friends, he must make a choice; live as his mother did, lonely and unsettled, or change the course of his impending fate by breaking out into the unknown, facing the trials and tribulations of an outside world he doesn't understand. Unable to make the house payments, Peel decides to take in a couple of drifters as roommates. After forging what seems to be a burgeoning new family and brotherhood, one of the roommates betrays Peel's trust, compelling Peel to venture out in search of his long-lost, real brothers who had been taken away from him decades ago. Along the way, Peel's lack of cynicism and innocence has an inadvertent, yet powerful effect on those he meets, as he brings a group of marginalized misfits closer to their true home.
拉加蒂家族和萨尼拉家族是古吉拉特邦经营枪械生意的两大家族,因为世仇,两个家族之间的关系可以用水火不容来形容。罗摩(兰维尔·辛格 Ranveer Singh 饰)出生于拉加蒂家族,虽然整天和枪械子弹为伍,但是罗摩实际上是一个非常善良以及热爱和平的男人。丽拉(迪皮卡·帕度柯妮 Deepika Padukone 饰)则是萨尼拉家族的小女儿,她拥有美艳不可方物的外表和敢爱敢恨的洒脱个性。 一次偶然中,罗摩邂逅了丽拉,俊男和美女之间迅速碰撞出了爱情的火花。然而,他们都知道,这段感情注定为天理所不容,为了能够长相厮守下去,这对爱侣决定私奔。
Somewhere in the remote region, the war ends. In the midst of ruined cities and houses in the streets, in rural hamlets, everywhere where people still live, are children who have lost their homes and parents. Abandoned, hungry, and in rags, defenseless and humiliated, they wander through the world. Hunger drives them. Little streams of orphans merge into a river which rushes forward and submerges everything in its path. The children do not know any feeling; they know only the world of their enemies. They fight, steal, struggle for a mouthful of food, and violence is merely a means to get it. A gang led by Cahoun finds a refuge in an abandoned castle and encounters an old composer who has voluntarily retired into solitude from a world of hatred, treason, and crime. How can they find a common ground, how can they become mutual friends The castle becomes their hiding place but possibly it will also be their first home which they may organize and must defend. But even for this, the price will be very high. To this simple story, the journalist, writer, poet, scriptwriter, movie director, and film theoretician Béla Balázs applied many years of experience. He and the director Géza Radványi created a work which opened a new postwar chapter in Hungarian film. Surprisingly, this film has not lost any of its impact over the years, especially on a profound philosophical level. That is to say, it is not merely a movie about war; it is not important in what location and in what period of time it takes place. It is a story outside of time about the joyless fate of children who pay dearly for the cruel war games of adults. At the time it was premiered, the movie was enthusiastically received by the critics. The main roles were taken by streetwise boys of a children's group who created their roles improvisationally in close contact with a few professional actors, and in the children's acting their own fresh experience of war's turmoil appears to be reflected. At the same time, their performance fits admirably into the mosaic of a very complex movie language. Balázs's influence revealed itself, above all, in the introductory sequences an air raid on an amusement park, seen in a montage of dramatic situations evoking the last spasms of war, where, undoubtedly, we discern the influence of classical Soviet cinematography. Shooting, the boy's escape, the locomotive's wheels, the shadows of soldiers with submachine guns, the sound of a whistle—the images are linked together in abrupt sequences in which varying shots and expressive sharp sounds are emphasized. A perfectly planned screenplay avoided all elements of sentimentality, time-worn stereotypes of wronged children, romanticism and cheap simplification. The authors succeeded in bridging the perilous dramatic abyss of the metamorphosis of a children's community. Their telling of the story (the scene of pillaging, the assault on the castle, etc) independently introduced some neorealist elements which, at that time, were being propagated in Italy by De Sica, Rossellini, and other film artists. The rebukes of contemporary critics, who called attention to formalism for its own sake have been forgotten. The masterly art of cameraman Barnabás Hegyi gives vitality to the poetic images. His angle shots of the children, his composition of scenes in the castle interior, are a living document of the times, and underline the atmosphere and the characters of the protagonists. The success of the picture was also enhanced by the musical art of composer Dénes Buday who, in tense situations, inserted the theme of the Marseilaise into the movie's structure, as a motive of community unification, as an expression of friendship and the possibility of understanding. Valahol Europaban is the first significant postwar Hungarian film. It originated in a relaxed atmosphere, replete with joy and euphoria, and it includes these elements in order to demonstrate the strength of humanism, tolerance, and friendship. It represents a general condemnation of war anywhere in the world, in any form.
In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back..
Chris Heimerdinger
本剧是NBC颇具震撼力的电视迷你短剧《10.5》(地动天惊)的续集和终结篇。在上一集中,强烈的地壳运动所引发的10.5级恐怖地震毁灭了美国西海岸,改变了地核结构,直接威胁到到北美甚至整个西半球,造成了一系列连锁灾害:夏威夷被海啸吞没,胡佛被摧毁,洛杉矶沉没……《10.5 Apocalypse》(毁灭之日)的视觉效果达到了同类迷你剧中的高水准。 为了拯救更多的生命、挽救国家,Hollister总统(扮演者:艾美奖和金球奖双料明星Beau Bridges,SG-1 第九季中可爱的将军)决定孤注一掷。他找来全国最顶级也是最有争议的地震学家Samantha Hill博士(扮演者:艾美奖得主Kim Delaney)和她的上司兼前男友Jordan Fisher博士(扮演者:David Cubitt),评估最近一次地震所带来的冲击。Hill绞尽脑汁,没办法弄明白为什么会有持续不断的地震和火山爆发,但她意外发现了也是地震学家的父亲(扮演者:Frank Langella)多年前作出的一个难以置信的假设。如果这个假设正确,将会有更大的灾难到来,北美大陆也将彻底被改变:将被分割成两块独立的大陆。
该片改编自2009年奇坦·巴哈特同名小说,讲述一个旁遮普小伙子克里斯与一位泰米尔婆罗门女孩阿娜娅从相恋到坎坷步入婚姻殿堂的故事。当一个精明的男人遇上一个聪明的女人,是双剑合璧还是明抢暗夺?当蛮横无理的婆婆遇上自以为是的老妈,是不共戴天还是你死我活?当爱情遇上未来,婚姻遇上帮派,当他们不得不面对分离、背叛、利用、文化分歧、不正常的家庭、歇斯底里的亲友、勾心斗角的环境…… 作品创作灵感源于作者和妻子的真实经历:两个来自印度不同阶层、不同文化背景的两个年轻人,深深相爱且准备结婚。当然,他们的父母并不同意。为了能把他们的爱情转化为婚姻,他们需要在长辈面前进行一场艰苦的战役。叛逆和斗争都是简单易行的,但是要成功就难了。他们能做到吗?他们是克服了重重阻挠,还是为了不得已的苦衷而半途放弃? 近些年,奇坦·巴哈特的作品不断被改编成电影搬上银幕,如《热线你我他》《三个白痴》《断线人生》等。
The City on the River is a tragicomedy about the ultimate triumph of human virtues in the face of systematic, institutional inhumanity.
楠、仔等五名青年男女利用假期外出度假,他们来到一个地处偏远山区、几乎与世隔绝的小岛别墅,宽敞华丽的大房子以及秀丽原始的自然风光令他们欣喜过望,乐享其中。在此期间,连一向举止言行有些怪异的康树(Chinawut Indracusin 饰)也跟了过来。当然,康树成为男孩们嘲弄戏谑的对象。当地流传着极为恐怖的传说,不过对于寻求刺激的年轻人来说,这才是他们旅行乐趣之所在。他们辗转来到一座气氛阴森诡异的废墟,不顾康树的警告与劝阻,众人径直走了进去,男孩们更将康树锁进黑漆漆的窑洞里。 放肆玩乐的次日,楠担心康树的安危,却发现这个从童年时代便曾有过诡异经历的男孩神秘失踪,而恐怖的体验也就此展开……
最悲惨的时刻,最动人的一段心灵航程。 2001年9月11日,美国遭受本世纪最惨烈的恐怖攻击。而当时在美国领空中预定降落的39班航机,则全数遭到拒绝入境,一架客机被迫降落在加拿大纽芬兰乡间,机上乘客各式各样,有尖酸刻薄的企业家、行为古怪的寡妇、婚姻不幸福的男子及来自美国的音乐家,他们的行程全因此被打乱,但他们的人生却因这段迫降而出现转机,这是一个在最悲惨的时刻,发现希望及人性良善的动人故事。
A whodunit thriller set in the backdrop of North Kolkata with its British Raj charm, based on Agatha Christie's Cards on the Table.
2022年,泰國總理戴蓬髮布災難預警法,設立亞洲太平洋預警中心,由總理的心腹沙炎博士出任院長。此外,預警中心有3名熱愛大自然年輕工作人員,雖然平時工作中互相競爭,但私底下相親相愛猶如一家人。沙炎博士預測到未來將發生大地震,於是總理戴蓬髮布緊急疏散令,但博士計算錯誤,大地震並沒有發生,導致民眾對總理不滿,政敵也乘機施壓。沙炎感到愧對完全信任他的總理。 不久,沙炎博士再次觀測到大地震信號,但是無法準確預測時間。博士認識到他的責任重大,馬上報告總理,但總理擔心又是誤報,此次是否要緊急疏散民眾呢? 最後大災難終於發生,地震引發大海嘯,超過200米的大海浪沖入曼谷,摧毀捷運,全市落雪。總理和博士他們要如何應對這次災難呢?
夏璇(徐若瑄 饰)打小热爱舞蹈,并且有着极高的天分,然而,一场意外让夏璇的双脚手上,再也无法起舞的她不得不忍痛放弃了自己的梦想。之后,夏璇来到了名为Nine West的专卖店中成为了一名店员,常年习舞的经验让她对顾客的双脚了如指掌,经常能够化腐朽为神奇,替顾客挑选到满意称心的鞋子,她的事业也因此越来越红火起来。 一次偶然中,夏璇结识了名为鲁奇(杨佑宁 饰)的男子,鲁奇是一名货车司机,却对浩瀚的星空宇宙充满了幻想。随着时间的推移,鲁奇不放弃梦想的乐观态度渐渐感动了夏璇,她决定重拾梦想,回到舞台之上,与此同时,她和鲁奇之间,也产生了纯洁真挚的感情。
艾莉·爱罗维(茱迪·福斯特饰)自幼就对无线电通讯情有独钟。长大后,她成为一名天文学家,其项目内容为接收外太空信号。她希望能借此找到宇宙其他文明的存在。天才的理想得到的却是投资者的冷眼相看,幸好有神秘人帮助艾莉继续工作。 一次偶然的机会,艾莉收到了来自织女星的频率信号,似乎证明了艾莉一直以来的工作是正确的。但这带来的不是她个人事业的成功,而是政治、社会、宗教、国家各个角度的矛盾与讨论。深陷这一切暴风中心的艾莉,更要面对与神职人士帕尔默·乔丝(马修·麦康纳饰)的感情纠葛。 个人与世界,真相与现实,艾莉面临着远远超越学术范围的挑战。