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Bob and Greta De Jaegher are happily married for 40 years. They can look back on a rich and fulfilled life. Their 2 sons Steve and Carl have a successful life as well. Steve is a talented and recognized film-director and Carl is a promising cook. Steve's wife Billie wrote a bestseller about happiness and wants to start a family with her husband. Brother-in-law Rik, who works at the zoo, tries to pick up his life with his kids, after his wife died two years ago. To mark their 40th wedding anniversary, Bob and Greta organize a family weekend. They want to announce something very important. Their new plans are a sure hit for the family De Jaegher, but that's not the only thing - Wat had to be a cheerful gathering of the family, turns out to be something nobody expected.
本·莫特利,Bruce Turner,马尔科姆·麦克道威尔,Daniel Dolby,Nick Biskupek
This two-part drama documentary tells the epic story of the Allies’ finest hour - and the invention of modern warfare. The first episode, The Spring Offensive, begins in early 1918, at a moment of maximum jeopardy for the Allies.
In the famous words of Field Marshal Haig, they had their "backs to the wall" as a great German attack swept westward in a final bid to win the bloodi...
以传说中的妖怪们生活的share house为舞台,描绘了被最坏的前男友夺去一切、伤痕累累的主人公·目黑澪(小芝风花)坚强成长的恐怖喜剧。小澪所面临的麻烦和麻烦的对手,被超级多管闲事的妖怪们挖出,用过激的方式打倒。
和所有小学五年纪的小男生一样,住在纽约的10岁男孩Gabe(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)正遇到自己的小问题。首先,父母正在闹离婚,却因为美国法律不得不依然同住在一个屋檐下。其次,虽然之前Gabe总觉得同龄的女孩是这个世界上最可怕的生物之一,认为只要被她们触碰到身上机会长虱子,甚至相信只要被女孩碰了就会有倒霉的事情发生。但命运弄人,在参加空手道训练课时,他竟然坠入爱河,对分配给他的搭档兼他的同班同学Rosemary(查理·雷 Charlie Ray 饰)产生了好感。 Gabe是否能够挽回父母的感情?他又会因为喜欢Rosemary做出什么疯狂的举动呢?
In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through the parallel stories of butler student Johann lusting after his mother (an old flame of the mysterious Count Knotkers) and Klara's attraction to her father (who lusts after his other daughter), leading to duels and suicidal plunges galore. All this is shot in the style of an early German sonal film, complete with intertitles, crackly sound-track and 'hand-tinted' colour effects.- Written by Michael Brooke
4岁的波纳特(薇朵儿·希维索 饰)从父亲口中得知自己的母亲发生车祸后不治身亡了,小波纳特难过得哭了起来,而且由于父亲工作的关系,她需要在阿姨家生活。波纳特不肯承认自己的母亲已经离开自己了,她深信上帝会把母亲重新带到她身边,她常常自己一个躲着大伙,继续期盼母亲出现。 就算父亲、阿姨、表弟表妹如何劝慰她,她还是坚持着自己的信念。 上寄宿学校后,同学告诉波纳特上帝是可以帮助她的,而且小波纳特努力要成为上帝的女儿,因为她想要跟上帝说话,跟上帝说把母亲还给她。 小波纳特总是无法开心起来,她日夜想念自己的母亲。小小的她独自来到了母亲的墓前,没想到母亲竟然重新出现在她的面前,母亲温柔的教她要面对自己的生活。纵使她不舍得母亲离去,当父亲来接她的时候,她对父亲说,母亲要我学会快乐……
Hallelujah the Hills d’Adolfas Mekas États-Unis 1963 35mm 82’ nb vostf avec Peter Beard, Marty Greenbaum, Sheila Finn, Peggy Steffans, Jerome Hill, Taylor Mead Adolfas Mekas arrive aux États-Unis avec son frère Jonas en 1949. Ils fondent Film Culture, une revue consacrée au cinéma indépendant. Nourri par les films qui l’ont précédé, Adolfas réalise Hallelujah the Hills qui témoigne de cette culture en même temps que d’une immense liberté que l’on retrouvera dans tous les films du New American Cinema. « Tourné suivant le bon vieux principe d’une idée par plan, ses collines embaument de fraîche ingénuité et de gentillesse rusée. L’effort physique y côtoie hardiment le gag intellectuel. On s’émeut et on rit d’un rien un buisson mal cadré, une banane dans la poche, une majorette dans la neige… » Jean-Luc Godard, Les Cahiers du cinéma, 1963 « Créons un territoire à nous, loin de l’Amérique des buildings et des rêves de puissance, dans des forêts laissées vierges par le tout pouvoir. Vivons l’instant et les sensations, les possibles fugues de l’amitié et de nos rêves […]. Revenons aux fonds précieux de nos rêves et de notre culture (du coutumier aux plus grands films en passant par le folklore), à l’origine de la création, au désir qui, seul, motive l’artiste et lui permet de s’affranchir de diverses contraintes, de libérer l’esprit et le corps, au prix de quelques moments d’anarchie, qui sont le gage d’une virginité féconde. Improvisons notre vie et notre cinéma, jusqu’à (en) mourir pour lui. » Frédérique Devaux, « Hallelujah the Hills, Petit traité d’improvisation ludique », livret du DVD édité par Re Voir
希德姐妹帮是学校里的一个少女组织,维罗妮卡(薇诺娜•瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)与另几名成员跟随头领希德(莎侬•多赫提 Shannen Doherty 饰)一起捉弄同学,排解无聊的校园生活。不久,维罗妮卡的注意力被玩世不恭又胆大妄为英俊男生杰森•迪恩(克里斯汀•史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)所吸引,渐渐在心理上疏远希德,并很快发展到决裂的地步。 杰森帮维罗妮卡设计整治希德,不料造成对方身亡,二人伪造了希德自杀的假象,事后居然蒙混过关,这对情侣杀人后一发不可收拾,用相同的手法继续犯案,而且杰森身上的毁灭性愈发突出,渐渐对维罗妮卡也造成了威胁……
活泼开朗乐观向上的岬明乃(夏川椎菜 配音)、沉默寡言外冷内热的宗谷真白(Lynn 配音)、害羞内向但在熟人面前有着十分可爱的一面的立石志摩(古木望 配音)、傲娇毒舌非常在意自己身高的西崎芽依(种崎敦美 配音),这些个性迥异的女孩子们,是否能够实现她们心中的理想呢?
法国青年瑞斯(乔纳森•莱斯•梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)在大使馆中工作,同时他还是美国情报部门的见习人员,精明强干的瑞斯对“换车牌”,加窃听器之类的任务自然是驾轻就熟,但是他很快迎来了真正的挑战——配合探员瓦克斯(约翰•特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)在巴黎的行动。 瓦克斯作风强硬,举止粗暴。恍如漫画中走出的美国英雄,甫一下飞机,便咬住了毒品的线索一路大开杀戒,先后与华人、巴基斯坦和黑人帮派连番激战……瑞斯对神奇的瓦克斯目瞪口呆之余,也渐渐跟上了他的节奏。任务接近尾声之时,两人意外发现瑞斯居然也是恐怖分子的目标人物之一,原来恐怖分子们以瑞斯为突破口,试图刺杀赴法访问的美国高官,于是这对临时搭档,迅速整备出发……
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly effective (you have to take a breath once in a while), so the wife of the burgomaster tries to soften up the invaders with a lavish carnival. So successful is this venture that the Spaniards allow the village to escape being decimated, or even taxed. An award-winner many times over, Carnival in Flanders was banned in Germany; evidently, Goebbels caught on that director Jacques Feyder and scenarists Bernard Zimmer and Charles Spaak were drawing deliberate parallels between the Spanish and the then-burgeoning Nazis.
Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweetheart Paul Tate (Duke), but lingering thoughts of her mysterious father and her mother's death often creep into Ruby's mind. As dark family secrets begin to reveal themselves when ...
Тихоокеанский лайнер. Полуобнажённые красотки, участвующие в конкурсе красоты. Шампанское и голубой океан… О таком бывшая звезда телевидения, а ныне ведущий дешёвых свадеб, даже и не мечтал. Однако круиз мечты неожиданно прервётся цепью невероятных событий. И наш герой окажется на необитаемом острове, в окружении трёх финалисток конкурса — принципиальной стервы, паникёрши и классической блондинки. Что делать Ведь лишившись возможности выиграть вожделенную корону, девушки его наверняка порвут на кусочки… Значит надо продолжать конкурс! Сделав вид, что так задумано, Роман начинает представление. Он убеждает девиц, что на острове понатыканы скрытые камеры и микрофоны, шоу выводится в эфир одного из главных каналов и вся страна теперь следит за финалом конкурса красоты! И всего-то нужно пройти пару испытаний под прицелом вон того ближайшего кокоса… то есть камеры. И пока девушки включаются в соревнование, наш герой ищет путь спасения с острова…